Утешает только то, что таких "мастеров" хватает везде. Вот цитата из статьи в The New York Times о новой социальной сети Google+:
В Google+ я уже зарегистрировался; осталось понять, зачем...There are bugs and glitches, although it would be unfair to mention them; the service isn’t even public yet.And we can probably look past Google’s bizarre promotional/tutorial videos, whose narrators seem to have been hired from the American Society for the Advancement of the Inarticulate. (Actual transcript: “And, the friends you have are, kind of the ones you have that, allow you to, like, geek out about the things that you were absolutely passionate about. And that’s the reason you stay friends with them, is not because you’re talking about things with them to talk about things that interest them, it’s because it interests you and you’re absolutely passionate about it and they have enough of a commonality to let you explore it.”)
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